Give me a few minutes of your time and I'll show you how the "Gimme My Money Now" system can help you create your own products fast and roll 'em out successfully, right from the comfort of your own home or office.
From: Marlon Sanders
Dear Friend,
Before I tell you exactly how the "Gimme My Money Now" system is going to put you on the fast track to launching your web site, let me give you two facts:
Fact #1: 5% to 15% of my visitors don't need to read this page. Fact #2: 85% of my visitors have already spent far too much time, money, energy and effort trying to get a web site up, running and making sales -- with little or no success.
Of course whether or not you're part of the 5 to 15% group depends on your specific situation.
To see whether or not what I'll reveal
will apply to you, ask yourself these 15 questions:
Question #1: Do you have 100% control over your web site? Or are you promoting affiliate pages you can't make changes to?
Question #2: Do you spend time wondering what it would be like to have your own successful online business?
Question #3: Have you ever spent more than 2 hours to put up a web site?
Question #4: Are you going to write an ebook? Or are you partway through one?
Question #5: Have you ever paid someone to create a web page for you?
Question #6: Have you ever tried to create a product of your own but gave up due to sheer frustration or lack of info on what to do next?
Question #7: Do you have a bunch of "half done" products on your desktop?
Question #8: Do you think it's too hard to create your own info-product?
Question #9: Do you have any idea what a "mailing list" really is?
Question #10: Are you using your autoresponder to make sales to your existing list on a 24/7 basis?
Question #11: Do you have a profitable sales letter on your site?
Question #12: Do you have a web page that isn't converting as well as you'd like?
Question #13: Do you think it's too hard to get your own affiliate program?
Question #14: Have you ever had a problem getting your payment processing set up to take orders online?
Question #15: Do you want to sell products online but haven't gotten around to doing anything about it?
If you answered YES to even ONE of the questions then continue reading this page because you've already spent far too much time doing what doesn't work. |
Now it's time to get it right!
So that's why I'm going to jump right in and get straight to the point...
I've got a simple 10 step system for creating products fast and rolling them out successfully via simple 1 or 2 page web sites that practically anyone can create in just a few hours.
I call the system "Gimme My Money Now", because that's what it's designed to do. To help you break through all the noise, confusion and frustration.
Now before I tell you exactly how the "Gimme My Money Now!" system is going to put you on the fast track to launching your web site, let me first show you a few case studies to outline what I've personally been able to do using the exact steps you'll discover in the system.
So let's jump right in...
Product Created: Gimme My Money Now! Version 1
Time Spent On Product Creation: 6 hours
Editing and Proofing of the product: 3 hours (or so...)
Writing, Proofing the Sales Letter: 90 minutes
Finding the "perfect" stock photo image: 60 minutes
Designing Ebook Cover: 15 minutes
Creating Order Form and Associate Tracking: 10 minutes
Getting Domain, Setting Up The Web Site: 2 hours, 15 minutes
Uploading the product: 1 hour
Setting up Autoresponder: 15 minutes
Total Time spent: 13 hours, 25 minutes
Sales During First Week of Launch: 72 @ $97 ea = $6,984.00
Sales During First Month of Launch: 151 @ $97 ea = $14,647.00
Total Sales to Date: $148,022.00 |
(Please Note: These figures only represent the minimum number of orders received, at the lowest dollar amount for the product. We have no way to separate the number of customers who selected the $146 Gold Version of the product so you're seeing the minimum sales figures here, not actual sales.)
Also, these sales figures are not current to date.
One more thing to note is, the information above is relevant to the earlier 1.0 ebook version of Gimme My Money Now.
INCOME DISCLAIMER: The results shown in my case studies are not typical. Your results will vary depending on your background, experience, knowledge, skill, ability, motivation and, quite frankly, just how bad you want it.
Product Created: The Push Button Letters Software Version 1
Project Instructions: 3 hours Setting up testing area for new software: 30 minutes Front End Interface Design: 4 days Revisions, New Features, More Testing: 2 days Setting Up the Order Form, Autoresponders: 2 hours More revisions, testing, and features added: 3 days Final testing of the new software: 4 hours Design and Set Up Web Site: 2 days Create & Test Order Form: 30 minutes Write Follow Up Email Sequence: 45 minutes Write & Format "Text Only" Email Broadcast: 45 minutes Create CD-ROM Interface: 25 minutes Create Master CD-ROM for duplication: 45 minutes
Total Time spent: 11 days, 12 hours, 40 minutes
Sales During First Week of Launch: $11,050.00
Sales During First Month of Launch: $30,050.00
Sales of Version 2.0, No PayPal: $57,000.00
PayPal Sales, Version 2.0: $133,044.30
Total Sales To Date: $190,044.00
* These sales figures are not up to date so what you are seeing is the amount from early 2004, when we last calculated the total sales. |
(Please Note: These figures shown above do not include any sales received via PayPal. These are from one of my merchant accounts only, so this is the minimum in sales received.)
INCOME DISCLAIMER: The results shown in my case studies are not typical. Your results will vary depending on your background, experience, knowledge, skill, ability, motivation and, quite frankly, just how bad you want it.
Product Created: The Push Button Format Software
Project Instructions: 30 minutes
Hiring Freelance Programmer: 25 minutes Creating the Bonuses: 4 hours, 15 minutes Design and Set Up Web Site: 3 hours, 25 minutes Write Sales Letter, Create & Test Order Form: 3 hours Write Follow Up Email Sequence: 45 minutes Write & Format Email Broadcast: 30 minutes
Total Time spent: 12 hours, 50 minutes
Sales During First Week: 17 copies @ $10 each = $170.00
Sales During First Month : 59 copies @ $10 each = $590.00
Estimated Monthly Rebilled Income: $600 Per Month |
(Please Note: The product launch was April 15th, 2004. While some of the monthly recurring billing clients have cancelled their ongoing payments the majority has not. This means that, although the first week of the product launch figures aren't what you'd normally except, those amounts keep rebilling on a monthly basis.)
If you take an average of 50% of the clients still on recurring billing, that's 1/2 of $590, or $295 a month, x 10 months = $2950.00 every month, which isn't bad for a product that took a programmer 55 minutes to make and 12 hours total to get the entire product up and running.
INCOME DISCLAIMER: The results shown in my case studies are not typical. Your results will vary depending on your background, experience, knowledge, skill, ability, motivation and, quite frankly, just how bad you want it.
Please Note: The results shown in my case studies are not typical. Your results will vary depending on your background, experience, knowledge, skill, ability, motivation and, quite frankly, just how bad you want it.
Now I know you're thinking "Marlon, it's probably easy for you to knock these products out because you're the one that invented the system...", and while that's true, you need to keep one thing in mind.
At the bottom of this page is a link you can click on to get instant access to the 10 EXACT steps I personally use to create my products, so it stands to reason that as long as you're able to read, have a few computer skills (meaning you know how to download files, go to web sites, cut & paste and that sort of thing...) and have some spare time, you should be able to create your own product fast and roll it out successfully using a simple one or two page web site!

The good news is, you don't need to peek behind the curtain to see exactly how the Gimme My Money Now! system will help you create products fast and roll 'em out in record time!
There are 2 reasons for this: 1) The exact systems I use to knock out products (like this one, for example!) is revealed in 10 simple steps in Gimme My Money Now! 2) I'm going to grab you by the hand and show you EVERYTHING up front, so don't need to stand behind the scenes as I reveal just how simple and easy it can be to follow the 10 steps in the system.
Before we go on, I want to remind you of what right I even have to talk about this topic.
I have not had just 1 or 2 products that were winners. I've had hit after hit. Here are a few examples of results I've achieved in the past:
* I turned a 3 hour interview into $16,128.00
* One campaign that brought in $37,331.78
* One brought in $37,827.72 * $48,819.69 * $164,276.66
Those are just a few of many examples.
If you don't know by now, the figures I've shown you are not typical of average results, normal results or substantial results. By discussing these case studies I'm NOT implying that you'll be able to make money, any profits or generate the same type of results I've achieved. They ARE what I've personally done.
And now, I'm going to show YOU the actual web sites, emails and statistics behind the scenes that make my money machine go. I'll show you what I do to make money on a constant basis. I'll take you to web sites and show you screen captures and I'll tell you about my typical day.
Once you see what I do and how to do it, you can then take all my systems, steps, strategies and methods and APPLY THEM to YOUR OWN business.
...it worked out amazingly well
I wrote my first information product "FrontPage Secrets" following "Gimme My Money" line by line, piece by piece. If it is in there, I did it. And it worked out amazingly well.
I had much more fun doing this project than I did my other three "traditional" FrontPage books and made much more with Gimme My Money Now! than I did the other three books combined...
Marlon knows exactly what he's doing and taught me. Now let him teach you.
Paul C.
...my site is seeing more than 1,000 visitors each day!
I just want to tell you that as soon as I put up my website I decided that I was going to need some help to help promote my site, as I knew nothing about putting my Internet business out there, I just knew I had to do it!
Anyway, I did some searching on the web and found your site..and boy am I GLAd to have done that!
You have given me so many GREAT ideas and showed me so many techniques to attract more visitors. I haved used so many of them and my site is seeing more than 1,000 visitors each day!
Thank You so much for sharing and being YOU!
Debbie R.
...simple, but elegant, step-by-step methods that save me time and make me money.
Marlon Sanders is the first person I go to when I need to learn anything about internet marketing. His information is extremely insightful and easy to understand.
His products take complex tasks and reduce them to simple, but elegant, step-by-step methods that save me time and make me money.
No one has helped me understand internet marketing more than Marlon.
David C.
I have changed the course of my business becouse of those tips and it has really taken off!
I have been following Marlon for about 3 months and the results are amazing. I did a couple of mini courses. And applied a few of the things he says to my business.
I have changed the course of my business becouse of those tips and it has really taken off!
Thanks Marlon!
Gita W.
New Zealand
Everyone talks about all the sizzle stuff...you know, coming up with product ideas and so forth. But to date, no one I know of has come out from behind the scenes to show you up front, exactly what they do to generate the profits.
Until now...

What makes the revised version of "Gimme My Money Now!" completely unique and unlike anything else out there is that I'm not just revealing the basic steps you need to take to create products and roll them out successfully via simple to create 2 page web sites that you can start making sales from right away. What you're going to get and what I'm going to show you is so much more.
Of course the latest version is still based on the original 3 step "Gimme My Money Now!" formula, which is:
STEP ONE: Target a niche audience. |
STEP TWO: Find out what they want to buy. |
STEP THREE: Then sell it to them! |
While the original version of "Gimme My Money Now" was 100% digitally delivered ebook, the revised version has evolved into a complete multi-media system that practically anyone can use, understand and benefit from immediately.
I just want to make sure you realize up front that this is NOT some flimsy little ebook and it is NOT a cheapo product you'll download and forget about by next week.
What you get in "Gimme My Money Now" is a powerful multi-media system that includes written instructions, audio and video. (Plus, for a limited time you will also receive a plug 'n go template that makes putting up your web site 10 x easier!)
In a minute I'll give you several ways you will benefit from the new "Gimme My Money Now!" system but first I want to outline four different reasons why you should take my new system for a test drive:

Reason #1: New "Plug-N-Go" templates make it simpler and easier than ever before to get your website up and running. You get easy to use "Plug-N-Go" templates that you can use to simplify each step of the system. This makes it faster, simpler and easier than ever before to use the "Gimme My Money Now!" system. Reason #2: "Gimme My Money Now!" cuts out all the crap and just focuses on what you really need to do. Instead of building complex content sites that take forever to create and probably never get you much traffic, the Gimme My Money Now system bypasses all that and gives you a fast, simple and easy way to build your site and get traffic. Reason #3: "Gimme My Money Now!" is not a teaser for another product. All the steps you need for the system are included. Of course, you never be too skilled or know too much about marketing. But the system is complete as is. Reason #4: "Gimme My Money Now!" shows you how to find out what people want to buy before you sell it to them. The #1 mistake people make is trying to sell a product that no-one wants to buy. They try to sell a product to someone who doesn't want or need it at all. This leave you high and dry, up a tree without a ladder, so to speak. "Gimme My Money Now!" turns the tables on that and gives you a system to use BEFORE you start out, before you create your letter and web page. I can't overstate the importance of that.

Rule Number One:
Forget just about everything you've heard or read about creating and selling products on the Net.
• Most of it is old news and doesn't work anymore. • Some of it never worked to begin with.
Rule Number Two:
It takes too long. First you have to develop an idea and find out if anyone will buy it. In my system you use an alternative info product that you can develop in days, instead of weeks or months. Forget writing unless you are fast at it. Most people are scared of writing an ebook. My system dumps that method in favor of a much easier one. I create ebooks now because I'm a professional writer. But when I started out, I didn't. In fact, in the old days, the World Wide Web didn't even exist. People always ask how long I've been in this business. Answer: I was selling online before the Web even existed. Back then is when I discovered the strategy I'm going to share with you.
Rule Number Three:
Forget about search engines to start with. And yes, I know about all the latest whizbang search engine optimization products. People rave about search engines. And there ARE a lot of really neat programs out there to help you with them. But I can tell you this: I compare my traffic to the traffic of sites that rely on search engines and there is no comparison. That goes for regular SE positioning as well as the pay per click search engines like Yahoo Search Marketing (Overture) or Google AdWords. I'm NOT anti-search engines. But I can tell you that a lot of beginners waste tons of time and never get a return. Beyond that, even if you do "unlock the code" you have no control over when and how the search engines will change the algorithms, re-index your site or dump your site completely. Even a small change on their end can result in your ranking taking a massive nosedive. My system gives you a method that can potentially take off like a rocket. It's a simple model. It makes sense. And it's doable. At least, it has been for me and my friends. Please understand there are no guarantees. All I can give you is what has worked for me, and others based on our experience. Later, after you have money rolling in, you can focus on search engines. But not to start with. You need something that is faster and has a higher probability of success. Some of the new search engine "how to" products are pretty darned cool. Since they're fast to use, I'm not against them IF you don't let them eat up all your time and your life. You have to understand that search engines are ephemeral and always changing. Wake up tomorrow and the rules have changed. In comparison to some of my other products I really don't promote Gimme My Money Now that much anymore -- yet it's still one of the top 3 or 4 best selling products I have. What's funny is that some of the people reading this page will decide not to buy "Gimme My Money Now!" because they think the product is old news, when in fact the steps I teach in "Gimme My Money Now!" are JUST AS RELEVANT TODAY as they were when I first wrote this book.
But of course I do revise and update the product regularly. So you only get the latest, cutting edge information.
If this was the ONLY product you bought on Internet marketing, and you followed every word of it, you'd be far ahead of most people. Having said that, it'd be a dumb thing to do. If you really want to succeed in this biz, you need to read all of my products and some of the best products by other marketers. This isn't a game for lazy, unmotivated, untalented, sit-on-your-tail-and-get-rich people. I'm sorry. But whoever tells you that or implies that is feeding you a line of bull and blowing so much smoke up your whatever that it isn't funny. With my simple to use products like Push Button Letters (http://www.pushbuttonletters.com), the Marketing Dashboard (http://www.getitgoing.com), I really, really try to make things a no-brainer. And I've done the same in "Gimme My Money Now!". I make them so step-by-step simple and straightforward it's practically ridiculous. And still, having said that, you gotta be a learner and a doer. Period. End of story. Ain't nothing else to the story.
Rule Number Four:
You gotta test your product ideas BEFORE you create a product!
I get calls all the time, "Marlon, I have this product but no one wants to buy it. Can your Amazing Formula help me?" In a lot of cases NO! You can't sell a dead duck no matter what you dress it up in. If people don't want the product, it's a dead duck. Forget it and go on to something else! Use the "Gimme My Money Now!" system to find out what people want to buy, then turn around and sell it to them via a simple 2 page website. In my system, I give you a very practical and logical way to avoid selling dead ducks to begin with. None of the other Internet marketing "gurus" teach this to the best of my knowledge. Just me. And it's arguably 1000% crucial to your success. It's maybe even the biggest key. It's the missing link. You try it out, and you'll see what I mean. If you have a product you're selling or trying to sell, I BET you skipped this step. You probably took someone else's word that the product was "hot." And now you're probably spinning your wheels without sales to show for it. Am I right? You FIRST have to take this step.
Rule Number Five:
Your web site should be two pages, more or less.
You can create it yourself. I tell you how. It's simple. At least, to me it is. If you want, you can hire this out because it's only two pages. Forget all that garbage you've read about putting "content" on your web site. People do that to get traffic and word-of-mouth. But guess what? More often than not, it's a lousy traffic generator. And the companies who do it well often have staff that do nothing but work on the web site. Who has the time or money for that? You don't need it. I'll show you why, and how to create a simple web site yourself. Now, there are two basic pages. But you will have some peripheral pages like legal disclaimers, privacy policies and so forth that are the same for all your sites. You may add in testimonial pages like we do, an entrance popup, an exit popup. Those things are all icing on the cake. But your basic web site model should be two pages.
Rule Number Six:
If you're spending money trying to advertise your product, you're sunk.
Your income is limited to your bank account. Why not have a method where your business can grow like wildfire without you having to fork up money all the time for advertising? Man, let your imagination loose! Let the thing run and potentially go crazy. I show you how I do it. Spending money is not "evil." But most people waste ad dollars on crap traffic that doesn't convert and will never convert. I know because I sit here on my computer and watch it come through live, real time on my "Live Person" screen. Listen: I have friends who have made absolute killings on google and other places by buying advertising. But they really, really know their stuff. They are experts. When you're starting out, you're better served using my free or low cost methods. At least, that's how I've done it. And that's what I recommend to you.
Rule Number Seven:
You must have a "front-end" product.
You know the number one thing that I believe stands between you and the online business you dream of? One product. A lead product. The front end. Once you have a front-end product, you can sell other people's products as your back end. But most people never can get that one front-end product up and going. I'm going to show you how to do it. Mark my word: No other Internet marketing "guru" in any product has shown you how to do it step-by-freakin'-step the way I'm going to.
Rule Number Eight:
Forget buying reprint rights to start your business, to get rich or to create a viable business.
I differ with some of my close friends on this issue. I say reprint rights are great for back end products. But so MANY beginners rely on them to START their business. I think that's a losing proposition. I talk to people all the time who have purchased reprint rights for $1,000 or more and aren't making a dime with them. You want the easy way out. You don't want to create your own product or to acquire an exclusive. I'm here to tell you that based on what I have seen in the marketplace you're probably not going to recoup your money if you buy reprint rights and try to use them for the initial sale or front end of your business.
Rule Number Nine:
Like it or not, no one is going to give you a true no-brainer system that you turn on and sit back while it makes money for you at night, while you sleep, etc.
It ain't gonna happen. And if it does happen, so many people will buy the program that it will not be much good anyway before long. You want to know the REAL path to profits and success? LEARNING and becoming an expert. I know. You're starting a part time business because you hate your job or lost your job. Or you have this dream of easy money at home. It takes W-O-R-K. There. I got the sales killer and dirty word out of my mouth. listen, I do everything I can to hand money to you on a silver platter. But you know what? The way you make money is really learning marketing and knowing what you're doing. And being very good at identifying what people want and giving it to them. That means you're going to have to read more than one product. Probably more than 10. What's more, reading them ain't enough. You've got to try out things that don't work to find the things that do. If you can't stomach that, if you're just looking for a super easy buck, then go buy a lottery ticket. Honest. What I have to offer you is some of the best information and systems you'll find or read anywhere on marketing. They are great. They really work. But they take learning, experimentation, expertise and skill. ANYONE'S SYSTEM DOES NO MATTER WHAT THEY TELL YOU. My system works. I've proven it. My friends and people I know in this business have also. But you can't be dumb, stupid, lazy, ill-informed and ignorant and make it work. That's the truth. And if you lose money buying crap, remind yourself that Marlon Sanders told it to you straight.
Rule Number Ten:
I say that chasing affiliate program dollars is a good way to learn but ultimately you need to have your own product so you can have your own team of affiliates and associates selling for you.
The only real secret of making money is leverage. I wrote a whole issue in my MILCER'S newsletter about that. In fact, I talk about it all the time there. Leverage means you get other people's money, time, talent and brains working for you on your behalf. People paint these rosy pictures of sitting on your can at your computer selling products you don't deliver and magically checks show up in your mail each month. I make $3,000 to $4,500 each month that way. It can be done. But I say as a back end to your front end. And while there are a few high profile people who have done well promoting affiliate products, I say in general that you're much better off creating an promoting your OWN products. Using my methods, that doesn't have to take as much time as you might think. If you're smart and have some skill and talent, you may be able to do it really, really fast.
Rule Number Eleven:
Hang onto your social security checks.
It's scary. Man, I have people contacting me who are spending their social security checks on stuff. Far be it from me to tell anyone what to do with their money. And I reckon if you're going to spend your check on something other than housing and food, learning and understanding marketing is a very good one to spend it on. But still, it really bothers me to see people who probably should hang onto their money spending it. I mean, if you really understand the game you're playing, if you really understanding that there is no magic button that spits out money when you push it, if you really understand that you've got to become an expert in marketing -- then go for it. But if you think that somehow you're going to buy one or two ebooks or software programs, push the button and the money is going to roll in -- wake up. What are you thinking? If it were that easy, every manual laborer in the nation would be sitting on their tail end at home pushing buttons all day. So if you're on your last dime, living off of social security checks, then I'm asking you to think twice before you spend your money. Then again, they say that learning new things and keeping your mind alive and active wards off Alzheimer's, so who am I to say what to spend your money on.
Rule Number Twelve:
Pick ONE model and become an expert in it
Whatever model you choose, the Gimme My Money Now model, the SE model or some other model of making money or selling stuff online, pick one model and become an expert in it. I mean, better than 90% of the other players in the game. There isn't much you can't become an expert in if you study it one or two hours a day.
Rule Number Thirteen:
Don't blow your life's savings, 401K or emergency funds on a business opportunity without really, really checking it out
I hate to see it. People blow like $10,000 buying this or that business opportunity. All with the goal in mind of NOT having to learn what they're doing. NOT having to learn marketing. NOT having to become an expert. It's the deluded belief that you can be intellectually lazy and someone else will do it all for you. BULL. Save your darned money and blow it on dinners, travel or something you'll at least enjoy. YOU MY FRIEND ARE YOUR OWN EASTER BUNNY, SANTA CLAUS AND FAIRY GODMOTHER. IF IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN, YOU'VE GOT TO FIGURE IT OUT. Marlon Sanders just told you that straight from my heart because it's the truth.
Rule Number Fourteen:
Having said all that, the DREAM does exist. I live it. Lots of people I know live it. We work at home. Set our own hours. Have no boss. And live great lives.
Now, with all the above in mind. Be encouraged to know that the dream DOES exist and is real. People ask me, "Marlon, can you really make money selling products online." And the answer is a resounding YES. I know and meet so many people who do it. Not just a few. Lots and lots of people.
But you gotta read and study everything you can get your hands on. And you have to take action and do a number of things that won't work for you to find the things that will.
To do my absolute best to shorten your learning curve, I created a roadmap for you.
Read on to see exactly what I'm offering:

On this product I'll reveal to you:
This email snagged 342 clicks, 20 sales, got a 5.8 percent conversion and made me $2,000.00. It's not a million dollars but neither is it bad for sending 1 email that took a few minutes to create and send!
This promo got 4497 clicks with a 2.2% conversion. It made $20,000.00 in sales.
This campaign got 1964 clicks, made 50 sales with a 2.5% conversion and brought in $5,000.00.
Another email example I include got 2590 clicks, made 96 sales, with a 3.7% conversion that grossed $4,245.69. (These, of course, are gross sales and not net.)
Remember my "Jumbo the Elephant" emails? I'll show you the numbers. The clicks. The sales. You may have laughed when you saw it but wait until you see the actual numbers!
The now infamous S. Mouse letter. I'll give you the whole scoop on that promotion. And, I'll also reveal what the "S" in "S. Mouse" stands for, in case you were curious.
How do HTML emails perform vs. text? I'll show you!
Keep reading to see what else you'll receive... |

You get this 139 page pdf manual:
The manual contains 139 pages of specifics. Just the meat. I've removed all the filler. Who needs it? If you're impressed by long products, go to your bookstore and buy War and Peace! It won't make you any money but you'll be impressed.
Long products don't make you money. They just suck up your time reading them. I could actually explain the system in one page and a lot of people could "get it."
There is zero "filler" in this product.
Also, this product isn't a sales pitch or "come on" for something else.
Here's a brief outline of what's covered in the manual:
How to set up autoresponders that confirm orders automatically and follow up with your customers. Why you don't need to pay 50 bucks a month for a merchant software lease. Several reputable merchant accounts you can set up for around $300 upfront, and a 10 dollar a month statement fee. Save literally hundreds or thousands in annual fees. An actual example of my product testing method that tells you which one of your ideas is the likely winner. Why you should never, ever, market a product before doing product testing. How to select your target market -- online! Instructions on the only marketing method you need to start with. You can screw around with search engines, FFA's and all that other stuff. But if you want serious traffic FAST, without spending money on advertising, this is the way to go. My step-by-step system for writing your Killer Sales Letter, including actual template wording you can use in your own sales letters. My amazing 2-page web site system that sells stuff faster than an ice cream store in the desert. Who to use for your real time credit card processing and why. Screwing this one up could cost you $500 or $1,000 in wasted fees. How to get set up with a shopping cart that does nearly everything for you, including an instant associate program. The dirt cheap, ultra-simple program I use to create banners for my web sites in a few minutes. Your web site will look like a champ with one of these on it. I've just finished updating and revising the "Gimme My Money Now!" system to make it faster, simpler and easier than ever before to create your own products and roll them out successfully with simple 2 page websites that practically anyone can create. I've perfected an entire system for creating and rolling out products via simple two-page web sites. I've rolled out a number of products successfully in almost "cookie cutter" fashion. I've got this thing down to a virtual science. You've never read or seen anything like this before. I've cut out every single ounce of fat, tested it, perfected it. This is NOT The Amazing Formula that I am best known for. That product shows you how to sell products you already have using a variety of methods.
It IS the product, the real deal, the whole enchilada. Now, I do have other products on writing ad copy, creating info-products, in-depth marketing training, and so forth. But you don't have to get them to operate the system.
Everything you need that I can think of is in this product. It's a system. Step-by-step.
This is NOT one thousand things you can do that might make money for you
This is step one, do this. Step two, do this. Step three, do this.
While I've got the system down to a science, it isn't rocket science, if that's what you're looking for.
Other than my product testing system, you probably already know the separate steps of the product.
Problem is, you know those steps and 20 or 30 other ones that don't work! I give you the exact steps in the exact order,
As far as I'm concerned, that's invaluable. You can waste months and years on methods that are "supposed" to work, but don't.
Matter of fact, a friend of mine practically begged me NOT to reveal this system. He advised me to keep it in our "circle of friends" who are 'in the know'.
A lot of Internet "gurus" aren't going to want you to have this information because they want you to sell their products for them. They want you to make them rich. They don't want you out creating and selling your own products because then, who is going to sell their products?

This is not a 1500 page volume you've got to spend a month reading. It's short, simple and to the point.
The "Plug-N-Go" templates make it easier than ever before to get up and running.
This is probably the simplest online marketing system ever developed.
There are not 45 different steps to follow or even 20 steps. It's really boiled down to be as simple as possible in a "step 1, step 2, step 3" system. |
This is the exact system I have personally used to skyrocket my Alexa ranking to 3000 out of 7 million websites.
Not that the average user will do that, but the point is that it worked for me. It is what I do. And there are no secrets held back. I'll share with you what I do and what I have done in the past on my successful promotions. |
With the Deluxe Power Pack option you have your choice of reading the manual, seeing me present the entire "Gimme My Money Now!" system, step by step, during a very extraordinary seminar held in London awhile back or by audio.
During that seminar I give a very rousing speech while I go over the steps of the Gimme My Money Now System so this is definitely one speech you do not want to miss.
The "Gimme My Money Now!" system takes out all the guesswork.
I don't give you 45 things that might possibly work. This is a highly focused action plan that basically says do this, do that and do the other.
You do NOT get lost in a sea of complexity or get confused with what to do next.
It's all spelled out for you. Nice and simple. |
The Gimme My Money Now system is proven.
I've spent years testing it and refining it online. It's definitely not something that was just dreamed up yesterday, that hasn't been tested.
I know it works because I've used it. Not just once, but over and over and over. |
The Gimme My Money Now system is just that. It's a system.
It's a coherent step by step series of actions that you take that have built my business consistently over the years and have sold a lot of products for me. |

There are so many scammers and rip-off artists online, I thought it'd be helpful if I presented a few criteria to help you only invest your dollars in stuff that's going to give you a great big bang for your buck:
1. Only buy from marketers who have a background in direct response.
Traditional advertising agencies are clueless about direct response. They only understand image advertising and "branding." Branding is terrific if you're a $100 million dollar corporation. But if you aren't, you better know as a fact that every dollar you spend is coming back to you multiplied. My background is 100% direct response. That's what I do.
2. Do NOT buy packages that promise or imply they'll make you rich virtually overnight or make you X dollars in X time period.
For example, don't buy packages that say they'll make you $1,000 a week, $10,000 a month, $X next year, etc. Those claims are obviously bogus. The person has never met you. For all they know, you're Charles Manson. How can they claim you'll make a dime.
I cannot and do not suggest you'll make even a dime with what I offer. I do have a strong money back guarantee. But it isn't based on how much money you do or don't make.
By the way, the FTC says that if you make such claims, they have to be representative of what the average person does who buys the product, unless you clearly state otherwise. This is why I usually have a full page of legal disclaimers on my products.
You should also know that the same thing applies to testimonials. You'll notice that on my testimonials I always state that they aren't meant to represent what the average person does.
3. Similarly, do not buy products that make obviously false claims.
For example, "I'll show you how to make $9,000 in only 90 days". Yeah right. I give some pretty dramatic success stories of specific techniques people I know have used. For obvious reasons, that is far different from saying you'll do the same thing -- guaranteed.
Oh, here's another one: Free bonuses with price tags that are way out of whack with reality. I've seen some pretty crazy stuff, like a bonus ebook valued at $497 or a conference call with an outrageous value attached to it.
The question is, is it worth the one time low fee for the course (you can check out the price below) to know how to create products fast and roll them out successfully with two-page web sites?
Just imagine being able to create your own products fast and roll 'em out successfully, from right in your own home!
FACT: You can easily waste 5 or 10 times that much money buying courses and products that beat around the bush and never give you a specific system you can sink your teeth into. FACT: You can easily waste that much money just trying out one or two marketing methods that don't work. FACT: You can easily waste that much money buying software you don't need. FACT: You can easily waste that much money spending too much money to get a merchant account. FACT: You can easily waste that much money getting a shopping cart that won't do what you need it to. FACT: You can easily lose out on 10, 20 or 30 times that much money by screwing around with marketing methods that simply don't work
Claim Your Copy of the Deluxe Power Pack before midnight on
and get:
If you grab a copy of the Deluxe Power Pack before midnight tonight, in addition to the "Gimme My Money Now" PDF Manual, the "All The Secrets I've Learned"of my now famous (or infamous, depending who you ask) speech at Wembley arena in London.
This is the same arena that rock stars perform in. It has a $20,000 stage design. It had $1000 a day models passing around the microphones. |
It had my picture on gigantic digital overheads just like you see at the basketball game.
Not that you care about any of that, but it is fun to watch. It's a motivating speech and contains one of the best, most meaty presentations on the "Gimme My Money Now" system I've given anywhere.
Finally, to cap everything off you get an Audio interview of me by my good friend Yanik Silver, where Yanik literally forces me to reveal some secrets I've never revealed or talked about any place else.
For example, it's the only place I reveal my "How to Crush your Competition System" that I used in the Amazing Formula to make it a dominant force in the marketplace and it's still a consisent seller to this very day. |
I hold nothing back from my Deluxe buyers but you've got to act fast if you want to get the two bonuses.
I usually don't give away so many bonuses with any product I've created, but in this case, with a such a high percentage of people who can use and benefit from these systems immediately, I'm going to bite the bullet and give up as much as I can.
In my opinion it's the year of the "info-product" and see a lot of potential success in the future of anyone who knocks out their own product before the year ends!
Don't get fooled by people who say ebooks and info-products are a thing of the past. Just last month on Clickbank alone there were hundreds of new products introduced to the market.
If people weren't buying, they wouldn't be selling...
Grab Yourself a Copy of the "Gimme My Money Now System" before midnight tonight and You'll Receive These Additional Bonuses
BONUS ONE: 23 Info Product Ideas
Marlon Sanders' "23 Info Product Ideas" Conference Call Transcript
To sweeten the pot and make this an offer you'll find 100% irresistible, I'm also going to give you a copy of the "23 Info-Product Ideas" conference call transcript in PDF format.
This is a conference call for people who are looking for the extra edge over their competition and want to snap up as many different potential income streams as they can!
You get INSTANT ACCESS to the transcript. Just login to your private area with your username and password and it will be there waiting for you.
BONUS TWO: Plug 'n Go Template
A simple to use and easy to edit 5 Page "plug 'n go" web site template.
Just open, edit, save and upload. It's that easy to use the plug 'n go template to get your website up and running in record time.
The HTML template will be provided to you INSTANTLY from the time you claim your Gimme My Money Now system.
BONUS THREE: Newly Revised "Secret Resource List"
My revised secret resource list includes the top free and paid vendors, programs, software and services you can use to get your systems up and running smoothly.
This bonus will be provided to you INSTANTLY from the time you complete your order.
BONUS FOUR: "Fast Track" Step-By-Step Videos
You'll receive several "fast track" videos which include step by step "exactly what to do and how to do it" instructions you can visually SEE and hear.
Join us as we walk through several steps in the system, showing you exactly what you need to do to get it done and get on to the next step! |

Just Click the PLAY Button Below!
Here's How To Get The Manual, Cheat Sheet and All The Other Goodies In The "Gimme My Money Now" System!
To order just choose one of the options below:
Your Order is 100% Safe, Secure,
Risk Free and Fully Guaranteed! |
To claim the Gimme My Money Now Kit it's, click the link below to order.

If you need help selecting the package that's right for you, click the SUPPORT button at the top of this page and we'll help you out by Live Chat or you can post a support ticket.
Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders

CEO - Higher Response Marketing, Inc.
P.S. Please don't cry in your milk if you order after the deadline and don't get the extra bonuses. You know, I've just got to reward the people who take action when they see an opportunity. I think it's only fair to reward my best customers, wouldn't you agree?
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